

On the same day as our meetings, we hold 2 different workshops (all running at the same time).
This gives members a chance to learn something new twice a month.
Workshops are held on Saturdays between the hours of 10.00 and 14:00.
The meetings are slotted into this time frame at 11:45 and lasts approximately 30 minutes, which is a welcome break. Please refer to the Workshop Schedule below or in the newsletter for dates and sometimes there are classes that might start earlier.

The workshops are repeated occasionally to afford members the chance to attend workshops they may have missed.

Friends of the Guild Membership entitles members to attend 2 workshops a year.

Some photos of workshop samples.

Workshop Schedule

  • If you are booked on a workshop – please attend.   Please be punctual!
  • Cancellation of a booking: contact the workshop organiser as early as possible so that we can re-allocate your place .
  • Anyone not attending a workshop that has been paid for will forfeit the fee.  It is then the member’s responsibility to get the kit relative to the workshop from the teacher concerned.
  • Please help the teacher by setting out tables, clearing away after class and helping to put the tables away again.
  • While  every effort is made to ensure the safety of members when using tools and equipment, you do so at your own risk.
  • Please observe standard safety regulations as well as Hobbies Club restrictions on smoking and regulations re fire hazard.
  • If you have any queries regarding workshop requirements, kindly contact the teacher involved (numbers are provided).
  • If you are not booked on a workshop, you may still wish to attend the Guild meetings which are held at 11:45..
  • However, you are warmly invited to come along for the morning – bring along your own project to work on at the Sunshine Table
  • Non-members pay a R40 teacher’s fee when joining a Guild workshop (members pay R15)

For all workshop enquiries or bookings please contact the workshop coordinator.

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